Bye, Bye
Bye bye....bye bye....we hear that all day from that cute little boy of ours.
Max has discovered a few words. Momma, dada, baba, ball and bye bye. Although he has these words to choose from, he loves to say "bye bye." As if any thought to be expressed or request demanded could be communicated simply by saying "bye bye." After saying his favorite word he'll often look at me waiting for the dialogue to continue. I try to guess at what he is really saying and then he replies to me "bye bye."
Now over the years of trying to communicate with Quinlin, I've become quite the expert in deciphering the unknown language of grunts, wines, half words and vowel sounds occasionally accompanied by Quinlin's form of sign language.
I will be glad when Max realizes he has more words to express himself, although I imagine it will be strange to have a conversation with a 2 or 3 year old. I eagerly anticipate hearing about his dreams when he wakes up in the morning. Answering the bazillion "whys" through out the day. Having him tell me all about his friends and what they did that day. Maybe one day Quinlin will have these same words and I'll get to hear all about her dreams, answer her whys, and hear all about her friends.