What I'm Thankful For
I'm thankful for many MANY things. God has blessed me so abundantly. Although I try to always be thankful, this season causes me to to truly realize how much I'm blessed.
What I'm thankful for:
1. I'm redeemed. I am a sinner, but because Christ loved me, he has called me one of his children and I am his.
2. My husband. He is amazing. He is a perfect partner. I not only love him, but I live each day because he walks beside me. I could never be who I am without him.
3. My children. They give complete joy to my life. Everyday, Erik and I look at each other and smile because of something they did. They've taught me patience (especially Quinlin), what it means to love unconditionally, and not to sweat the small stuff....after all, what is really important?
4. My childhood. I grew up in a fairly poor military family. We didn't have much, sometimes not much to eat. We moved all the time so having friends beyond acquaintances was nearly impossible. But I had parents who loved and protected me. We didn't get much by the way of "things" but they always found money if it was for an experience. They taught me to be honest, to work hard, and love God. I truly believe my life is wonderful because of my parents.
There are many MANY other things I am blessed with, my extended family, my church family, friends, Erik's job, HEALTHY children, great neighborhood and schools. I have many people in my life that love me and I love them.