April 29, 2009
April 27, 2009
Potty Training...
Ok, so today is the day. I'm potty training Max. So far, not so good. It's only been a few hours but getting a rhythm going is not happening yet. I'm about to have my fourth baby and have yet to have a child who is independently using the toilet. I'm a bit skeptical that it can be done. I know other moms have done it....
Any suggestions?
Posted by
10:45 AM
April 20, 2009
Day at the Park
We had a super fun day at the park on Saturday. The weather was beautiful and the kids loved being outside all afternoon. Zoey surprised me most of all...climbing, jumping, sliding, like she was a big girl. She is already trying to keep up with the big kids and does not except that she is the baby and too small for anything.
Posted by
2:55 PM
April 8, 2009
Day with Quinlin
This week Quinlin had spring break so we had a special day together at the Zoo. (thanks Jalaine for watching the little ones!). We had a lot of fun. Quinlin brought her own camera and she had fun taking pictures of the animals she really liked. It was a beautiful sunny day she also picked out her own pair of sunglasses.
Here is Seattle, we are blessed with a great Zoo. I love our zoo. You can spend the whole day or just a few hours. And, because the climate is generally not too hot, the animals are pretty visible, not hiding away in a cool shady spot.You can't really see, but Quinlin is looking at a brown bear that is sleeping. This was another one of her favorites.
This Orangutan was right up at the glass. Quinlin thought he was so cute. When Quinlin would look away, he would tap the glass with the back of his fingers.
This is Quinlin roaring like a lion...
Taking pictures of the giraffe....
Posted by
8:49 AM
April 2, 2009
Another Girl!
Just as I suspected...another girl for the Cheesebrough's. Our Dr.'s office got a new ultrasound machine that burns to DVD. So now I am able to put a few on our blog. So here she is... first picture. In case you can't tell, the first one is her face and the second is her little foot.
We've had a name picked out for quite a while. We're thinking of Penelope August (due in August...hence the middle name). What do you think?
Posted by
1:42 PM