January 31, 2008

So Silly

I confess. It's true. I admit it. Yes, I think that Max is the cutest boy in the World! So much so that I've submitted his picture to a number of baby contests (why he hasn't won yet I don't know?)

I took these pictures when I was working to get a picture to submit. He's such a little ham. He's always singing and dancing. He makes me smile everyday!


Haley said...

where on earth did that hair come from, it looks so blond that it's white in these picture, he is a cutie though!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back! I've missed getting updates! Your kids are so so cute!! Zoey is getting huge and Max is a little cutie - I agree! It will calm down I'm sure. I know the days can be crazy with 2 so I bet 3 is a handfull! Email when you can. Check out my blog - I figured out how to put video up now! :) Love to you all! Love Sarah