September 21, 2007

gotta check em out!

Erik and I the amazing blessing of being part of AIM (Adventures In Missions) many many years ago, back when we were young and had just met. I can't put in words what AIM did for me and means to me. Even today, my experience in AIM continues to affect my life in a way that is beyond measure.

Recently when Erik and I started blogging, we began to come back into contact with many of our friends we haven't seen since our AIM days. The other day, Erik came across two more blogs. The owners of blogs are two mentors of mine and Erik's from back in the day. Reading their words now, remind me of why my AIM experience was so powerful. They are incredible Men of God and I hope that you all can be blessed by their words the way that I am.

For sinners only-Rex Boyles

There's something about that name- Craig Hicks


Kary said...

Marci..I was so glad to see your site. It looks like you and Erik are very happy and have beautiful children, aren't they a blessing? I hope you are doing well. I would love to hear from you.

Cheesetown said...

Cute kids Kary! Thanks for your note.